The little ABC of trout

The trout

The trout or brown trout is a fresh water fish and belongs to the family of salmon. It can grow up to 40 cm long and weigh up to 3 kg. The skin of the trout is mainly speckled, the back is olive green to black, the sides greenish, the underside yellow to white, and dark and blood red eyespots in a light ring. The flesh is particularly delicate and delightful (May to July). The trout is considered to be the finest fish for eating purposes.

The rainbow trout

The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was introduced to Europe from North America. In contrast to brown trout, it copes well in warmer water and is therefore particularly suitable for fish pond cultivation. Thanks to clear lake water, its flesh is extremely tasty.

The lake trout

According to the latest knowledge, the lake trout (Salmo lacustris) and the sea trout (Salmo trutta) are merely variations of the brown trout which have adapted themselves to life in lakes or in the sea. They reach an admirable size of up to 15 kg. The lake trout lives in the alps and high alpine lakes. Their flesh is red and comparable to salmon.

The char

Chars (Salvelinus) belong to the family of the salmon fish and therefore exhibit all salmonid-typical adipose fins. The have a streamlined body shape. There is an extraordinary diversity under the individual types which also leads to the fact that the classification of the chars has not yet been finally clarified.

A must for all water enthusiasts

Fishing, underwater viewing area, pedalo hire and much more!

Opening hours Forellenranch

Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 22:00
Cuisine from 11:30 to 20:00
Monday day off!

Any questions?

Niedersee 4
6393 St. Ulrich am Pillersee

Telephone: +43 5353 52390
Mobil: +43 660 657 19 21

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